​​3 Reasons to Gift yourself the Gift of a New Smile!
surfct • Dec 03, 2021

The holidays are here and there is no doubt that you are running around making sure that everyone’s wish list has been fulfilled. But what is on your holiday list this year? Sometimes we overlook ourselves when the holiday season comes along and focus on others, but you deserve to treat yourself as well. And why not treat yourself to a beautiful new smile? 

Gifting yourself with a new smile not only can improve your confidence over the holiday season and throughout the entirety of your life but also can improve your overall oral health. And there is nothing you can gift yourself this year than an investment into your health. 

It is never too late to gift yourself a new smile. No matter your age, there is never a reason to delay improving the functionality and beauty of your smile. 

A New Smile Is for More than Just Looks!

A new smile can greatly improve the function of your mouth. There are several oral health issues that you may think are simply cosmetic, but in fact, can greatly affect the functioning of your mouth now or in the future if not addressed.

For example, if you have missing teeth, letting that issue go can affect multiple aspects of your oral health. It can cause crowding of your other teeth, issues with speech and eating, and even BONE LOSS of your jaw. 

But by replacing your missing teeth with an option such as DENTAL IMPLANTS you can avoid all of those problems and maintain functionality. They look and feel completely like your natural teeth.

And if you are experiencing bite issues that are more to misalignment rather than missing teeth, Invisalign can help you correct the position of your teeth. They can correct a variety of issues such as overbites, crossbites, crowding, and gaps in your teeth. 

And while you may view these as just a vanity concern, these bite issues can actually cause JAW PAIN, headaches, GUM DISEASE, and even can contribute to tooth decay. Straightening your smile with a discreet option like Invisalign can help you prevent the onset of these occurrences.

You Deserve it! 

Everyone deserves to look and feel their best no matter their age, income, or schedule. Your smile is a huge part of who you are and it should reflect the amazing, beautiful person behind it. 

Some people assume that once they get to a certain age that teeth just start to wear and that is just part of life. But that isn’t the case. Your smile can be beautiful and functional no matter your age. As you age, it may be even more important to maintain your smile. As you age, your risk for decay, tooth loss, and other oral health concerns actually can increase. 

And there are many people who say they wish they could have work done on their smile but their schedule just doesn’t allow them to. But, this problem can be solved. With the improvements in dental technology, time is no longer a concern. You can now even leave the office with a full set of dental implants in JUST ONE DAY

A New Smile Does Look Good 

When you realize all that a new smile can bring to your life, it makes the idea of gifting one to yourself even better of an idea. Not only can it increase the functionality of your smile, but it also increases the confidence that you have in your smile.

With a new smile we are sure that you will be anxious to show it off to your friends and family this holiday season. Any cracks, chips, discolorations, or other issues with your teeth that have caused you to want to hide your smile can be fixed and your smile will be better than ever. 

The benefits of gifting yourself a new smile will last a lifetime. There is no better gift that you can give yourself than one that can improve your self-confidence. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your new smile, 903-474-8206.

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