
If you’re looking for a long-lasting and strong dental restoration solution, all-on-4 dental implants are a fantastic option. 

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Teeth in a day in greenville, tx

Regain your smile and confidence with ease by opting for same day dental implants with Complete Dental Care.

Your new smile is one appointment away!

Fast-track your smile restoration

Missing teeth can significantly affect your daily life, from the way you speak and eat to how you present yourself in social situations. We understand the discomfort and lack of confidence that can come with tooth loss. Dr. Bean and his team offer a truly transformative solution: teeth in a day. This revolutionary procedure can replace missing or damaged teeth and restore your smile to its natural glory in just one appointment, minimizing the time you spend in the dental chair and maximizing the impact on your quality of life.

What is the teeth in a day procedure?

Teeth in a day is a groundbreaking dental procedure that allows patients to walk out of our Greenville dentist office with a full set of teeth after just one visit. This procedure is a form of same day dental implants, where advanced technology and meticulous planning enable the placement of dental implants and temporary teeth during a single appointment. Dr. Bean specializes in this innovative treatment, offering a fast track to a renewed smile and restored dental function.

A patient admiring their teeth in a day in Greenville, TX

The Benefits of same-day dental implants

Patients experience an immediate improvement in their smile aesthetics, dental function, and overall oral health. Unlike traditional implants, there's no extended healing time before you can enjoy the results. Same day implants also help preserve jawbone density and maintain facial structure, all while providing a solution that feels and looks like your natural teeth.

Who should consider teeth in a day?

Those considering teeth in a day in Greenville, TX, typically suffer from multiple missing teeth or are in need of full arch restoration. Ideal candidates are in good general health, have sufficient jawbone to support the dental implants, and desire a quick and effective solution to tooth loss. Dr. Bean assesses each patient's specific needs to ensure this treatment is the best option.

Teeth in a day vs. all-on-4 implants

When considering dental restoration options, it's important to understand the distinctions between teeth in a day and All-On-4 implants. Both are innovative procedures that offer significant benefits over traditional dental implants, but they cater to different needs and situations.

Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a day is a dental procedure characterized by its speed and efficiency. Here's what sets it apart:

  • Immediate Results: The procedure is completed in a single dental visit, providing patients with functional teeth on the same day.
  • Customization: It can involve the placement of more than four dental implants, tailored to the patient's jaw structure and specific needs.
  • Flexibility: Teeth in a day can be adapted for patients with varying levels of bone density, sometimes without the need for bone grafting due to the strategic placement of the implants.
  • Technology: Advanced imaging and dental technology are used to plan the implant placement and create the prosthetic teeth.

All-On-4 Implants

All-On-4 implants, while also providing a full-arch restoration, have their own unique features:

  • Four Implant Anchors: The technique uses exactly four implants to support a full arch, strategically placed for optimal support.
  • Bone Grafting: Patients with low bone density may still be candidates for All-On-4 implants, but it may involve more pre-surgical preparation, including bone grafting in severe cases.
  • Angled Implantation: The rear implants are typically angled to maximize use of available bone, which can be particularly beneficial for patients with bone loss.
  • Immediate Load: Like teeth in a day, All-On-4 allows for immediate placement of a temporary denture, with a focus on ensuring the implants integrate successfully for a long-term solution.

Both procedures are transformative, but teeth in a day may offer a broader range of customization for the patient, potentially using more implants to provide additional support where needed.


Here's what patients can expect during this transformative process:

Initial Consultation and Planning

Your journey begins with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Bean, your Greenville dentist. During this initial visit, our team will:

  • Assess your oral health, including the condition of your gums and jawbone.
  • Discuss your medical history to ensure you're a good candidate for the procedure.
  • Utilize advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D scans, to create a detailed map of your mouth.
  • Plan the precise placement of the dental implants to ensure optimal function and aesthetics.

Day of the Procedure

On the day of your procedure, you'll experience a seamless process designed for your comfort and convenience.

  1. Preparation: When you arrive at our office, we ensure you’re comfortable and understand each step of the process.
  2. Anesthesia: To ensure a pain-free experience, appropriate anesthesia or sedation will be administered.
  3. Implant Placement: Dr. Bean will surgically place the dental implants into your jawbone. These implants are small titanium posts that act as the roots of your new teeth.
  4. Temporary Teeth: Once the implants are in place, a set of temporary teeth is attached to them. These teeth are crafted to look natural and will allow you to bite, chew, and smile as you leave the office.
  5. Recovery: After the procedure, you'll be given detailed aftercare instructions. Recovery typically involves minimal downtime, and most patients can return to their normal activities the following day.

Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Up

After the initial procedure, there is a healing period where the implants will integrate with the jawbone, a process known as osseointegration. During this time:

  • You’ll have follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
  • It’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene and follow all aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Bean.
  • Once healing is complete, you'll return to have your permanent, custom-made teeth fitted, completing your smile transformation.


Q: Are teeth in a day painful?

A: Patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure due to local anesthesia. Post-procedure pain can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relief.

Q: How long do one day implants last?

A: With proper care, the implants can last a lifetime, while the prosthetic teeth may need replacement every 5 to 15 years.

Q: How should I care for my same day implants?

A: Care involves regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, similar to natural teeth.

Q: What is the success rate of teeth in a day?

A: The success rate is very high, comparable to traditional dental implants, when performed by an experienced dental surgeon like Dr. Bean.


Ready to take the leap and achieve the smile you've always wanted? Contact Dr. Bean at Complete Dental Care to discuss teeth in a day and schedule an appointment. Our Greenville dental team is ready to transform your smile and your life in just one day!

For more information about same day smiles or to schedule an appointment, call us at  or visit our contact page.

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At our office, providing you with exceptional dental care will always be our top priority. When choosing your dental care provider, there are a few key factors that help some practices stand out. We're proud that at Complete Dental Care, we're able to offer:

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